Why Is My Thermostat Not Working?
Is your thermostat failing to regulate the temperature in your home?
Broken thermostats can lead to a number of unexpected inconveniences. These include massive energy waste, leading to higher monthly bills. Your house may also reach dangerously hot or cold temperatures.
When this happens, people in your household may experience symptoms related to overheating or freezing.
As such, if you’re wondering, “Why is my thermostat not working?” you need to get it fixed right away. Below, we’ll go into the different reasons why thermostat problems develop and persist. Keep reading to discover what’s wrong with your HVAC system and go about getting it fixed!
Damaged Thermostat Sensors
If you’re wondering, “Why is my thermostat not working?” you’ll first want to check your sensors. Thermostats rely on sensors to read the temperature of a room. If the sensors detect that a room has dipped below a certain temperature, it will heat or cool the room as needed.
But if the sensors are broken or damaged, your thermostat won’t regulate the temperature of your house well. One of the symptoms of a bad sensor includes the thermostat reading an incorrect temperature.
So, you should get your sensors checked if you notice your room feeling much hotter or colder than your thermostat’s temperature.
Bad Thermostat Location
The location of your thermostat matters. You need to have your thermostat in a location that represents the average temperature of your home. Otherwise, the sensors may register your home’s temperature as higher or lower than most rooms are.
To prevent this, you shouldn’t place your thermostat next to a fireplace or rooms that are much colder than the others. Likewise, you shouldn’t place it in direct sunlight. If you notice your thermostat is located in a hot or cold region of the house, you should consider moving it to a new location.
Your thermostat is connected to wires. As such, moving a thermostat on your own exposes you to the risk of electrocution. To relocate your thermostat in a safer manner, hire a professional contracting company.
These workers have received training to move a thermostat and reinstall it without incurring further risk.
Poor installation can also lead to a bad thermostat reading.
Dirty Thermostat
When your thermostat gets dirty, it might not work in as efficient a manner. Dirt and debris prevent the thermostat from getting an accurate reading.
To clean it, take off the thermostat’s cover. Then, with a gentle brush, wipe away the debris and dust. Test it out to see if the cleaning worked. If it didn’t, call a professional to get the problem diagnosed.
The Unit Gets Locked
Many thermostats come with a lock feature. This helps homeowners prevent other people from changing the temperature. It’s especially useful for people who have children or need to regulate the price of their energy bill.
Sometimes, the lock feature gets activated without the homeowner knowing. In these cases, the homeowner won’t have the ability to change the temperature until the feature gets disengaged.
If it’s locked, your thermostat may display a lock symbol on its screen. Yet, this might look different depending on the type of thermostat you have. Refer to your owner’s manual if you have further questions.
The Thermostat Lacks Power
Your thermostat can’t operate without power. If your thermostat won’t turn on or isn’t displaying its screen, it might not be getting sufficient power.
A lack of power might come about from a poor connection or a blown fuse. You might also have a tripped circuit breaker or a bad battery.
You should also check for loose wiring. Take the thermostat apart to see if any of the wires have become detached. For safety, switch your power off just in case.
If you notice any detached or corroded wires, call the HVAC company.
See If It’s in Auto Mode
If a thermostat is in auto mode, you won’t be able to change the temperature. Instead, the thermostat will regulate the temperature of the room on its own. If you want to change it, you’ll need to disengage this feature.
Follow the instructions listed in your owner’s manual to do so.
Make Sure the Problem Isn’t Elsewhere in the System
If you’ve gone through all this and are still wondering, “Why is my thermostat not working?” you might want to make sure the problem isn’t somewhere else in your HVAC system.
First, listen to sounds. If your HVAC system makes squealing or high-pitched sounds, you might have a problem with your belt or blower. Prolonged burning smells might indicate that your system is overheating.
When in doubt, you should get your thermostat checked by a qualified professional in your area. In fact, regular checks and maintenance can keep your HVAC system operating for a longer period of time. You should get your HVAC system checked at least once a year.
Preferably, this should get done right before the weather changes. This ensures that you’ll have the right amount of heat or cooling to keep everyone in your household comfortable.
Still Wondering, “Why Is My Thermostat Not Working?”
If you’re still wondering, “Why is my thermostat not working?” you should call a professional to diagnose the problem.
If you want services in Oklahoma City, Guthrie, Yukon, or Edmond, Oklahoma, check out what we offer! Our professionals can take care of everything from installation to AC and heating repair.
Want to know more about what we can do for you? Contact Above + Beyond Service Company today to learn more!